The experiment for PSL 2019 was the creation of a serious game, related to the theme of Data& Power. The cohort participated in a methodological workshop, run by Petros Petridis, George Mantzios and Penelope Papailias, to prepare for the experiment, which was staged in Makrinitsa as a public event on August 30, 2019.
The three games, collected under the title "Why so Serious? A game", were subsequently re-played on two occasions: at the Games and Learning Alliance/ Serious Games Society GALA Conference in Athens in November 2019 and at the Viz - Laboratory for Visual Culture in Athens in January 2020 as part of the exhibit Playing Ground curated by Automatic Transmission. |
PROMPT: Drawing inspiration from open source movement, user listservs, music and video file sharing, social networking, and especially online and offline gaming subcultures, the methodological workshop aspired to involve players as gamers whose embodied interactions within a gamespace generate real-time feedback that actively shapes the parameters of that space as a domain of collaborative knowledge production.
This workshop explored the implications of moving from content orientation to problem orientation in research design and knowledge production. Along these lines, the working hypothesis of the workshop was that collaborative laboratory-oriented research, centered around an open-ended and re-enactable public experiment, could interface theory and practice in and as the development of an interactive game space.
Among the topics we considered were: Anthropology of games and gaming, Procedural Rhetoric, Gamification, Gamespace.
This workshop explored the implications of moving from content orientation to problem orientation in research design and knowledge production. Along these lines, the working hypothesis of the workshop was that collaborative laboratory-oriented research, centered around an open-ended and re-enactable public experiment, could interface theory and practice in and as the development of an interactive game space.
Among the topics we considered were: Anthropology of games and gaming, Procedural Rhetoric, Gamification, Gamespace.